
Six Market Stalls Demolished in ‘Anin Village / Jenin Governorate

Violation: Destroying market stalls.

Location: ‘Anin village / Northwest Jenin.

Date: January 17th 2021.

Perpetrator: The So called building inspector at the Israeli Civil Administration.

Victims: Six families from the village.


In the early Morning hours of Sunday January 17th 2021, a massive army force raided southwest ‘Anin village nearby the Annexation and Expansion wall , the Occupation Forces supervised by the construction inspector at the Israeli Civil Administration implemented a demolition operation that targeted around Six market stalls using hand tools such as (hammers and Axes) , the fanatic troops also intentionally damaged goods inside the stands , such as snacks and vegetables.

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Photos 1-5: The targeted facilities

In Dec 17th 2020,  Land Research Center Field officer reported notification of 11 facilities and a market stall at the same location , under a notice entitled “Announcing the intention of Demolition” , the Occupation gave the owners only 7 days to object , 6 of the notified facilities were demolished lately, while the rest were dismantled by the owners. (For more information read LRC Report on the case: Arabic , English.

The Following table shows more information about the violation:


Affected Citizen

Number of family members

The targeted facility


‘Assim ‘Issa


Market stall built of woods and plastic sheets used as snacks stand (4 m2)


Radi Khdour


Market Stall built of zinc sheets used as a snacks’ stand  (4 m2)


Mohammed Khdour


Market Stall built of zinc sheets used as a drinks stand (4 m2)


Mahmoud Khdour


Market Stall built of zinc sheets used as a hot drinks stand (4 m2)


Ossaid ‘Issa


Wood Kiosk used as a drinks stand (4 m2)


Yazeed ‘Issa


Market Stall built of zinc sheets used as a vegetables  stand (4 m2)


One of the Victims, Radi Khdour told LRC:

“After receiving the notice we assigned a lawyer from Jerusalem Legal Aid and Human Rights department to submit a petition, but the occupation refused the submission and decided to demolish the stands due to their location nearby the Annexation and Expansion Wall, noting that the stalls provided a source of income for us during these difficult times.”

This report was prepared with EU funding

The Contents of this document do not reflect positions and views of the European Union